Monday, January 12, 2009

New New Poll Shows King Losing to Kennedy Big-time

Polls don’t mean all the much this far out with very little information, they are just snapshots of fleeting opinion. Last week we had a poll that showed Caroline Kennedy barely beating Peter King 46%-44%. This was jumped on by pundits who said “See, she can’t be a serious candidate.”
That poll is now made irrelevant by a new poll conducted by Rasmussen Reports.
In the poll conducted January 6, 2009 Caroline Kennedy trounces Peter King 51% - 33%.
Also in this new poll King takes a beating in the favorability column with only 39% “Very to Somewhat Favorable” while Kennedy is 63% “Very to Somewhat Favorable.”
King gets 37% Very-Somewhat Unfavorable.
So this would all mean something if Kennedy was chosen to replace Hillary and Kennedy ran in 2010. But none of that is happening yet.
I think though the Kennedy doom-sayers from the last poll should take this one just as seriously and trumpet her new numbers.

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